A Weekend Retreat for All Young Adults (ages 18-39)

Everyone needs the occasional retreat - a time to take a step away from the normal busyness and recenter our lives around our call to holiness. Join other young adults ages 18-39 this fall on a spiritual retreat at the Outer Banks. From keynote sessions to daily Mass, group meals to Eucharistic Adoration, this retreat has something for you. 

Want to meet new people? There will be lots of opportunity for downtime and fellowship! Want to have a quieter experience? There will be personal prayer time and a chapel.

This year’s theme is “Courage, Dear Heart.” This quote comes from C.S. Lewis’s book Voyage of the Dawn Treader, when Aslan (the Christ figure) whispers into Lucy’s (one of the characters) heart to “have courage, dear heart, for there is nothing to be afraid of and never has been.” Jesus comes to each of us at different moments and tells us to “take courage,” speaking to the depths of our hearts in our highest of highs and our lowest of lows. Spend a weekend leaning into the word courage with us, and consider how Jesus is present and offers your heart courage at every moment. You are made for greatness – it is time to courageously step into our lives and the world in faith!

Check-in at the retreat starts at 7pm on Friday, October 27, and the retreat ends at 12noon on Sunday, October 29. The Young Adult Fall Retreat costs $175/ person. 

Registration closes September 24th. Click here for more information: evangelizerichmond.org/events/young-adult-retreat-2/