Celebrating Haiti Solidarity – 2023

The Haiti Twinning Ministry invites you and your family to a Parish Solidarity Presentation, Sunday, Sept. 24th, 2023, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm, Sacred Heart Church Commons, guest speaker, Tina Wandersee, Director of Social Ministry, Richmond Diocese, live music, raffle...

The latest news for you

Download Document It’s a fact: people don’t mind scrolling to read an email, as long as it’s relevant and interesting. Make sure your message follows through on the promise in your subject line, and use several short paragraphs if you have a lot to...

Thank You From Nyenga Hospital

The Washing Machine has been installed   Warm greetings from St. Francis Hospital Nyenga. The washing machine was warmly received and awaiting installation which they promised to do tomorrow on 16th/August/2023. I will send in the photos immediately...