The Sacrament of First Holy Communion

For children preparing for First Sacraments:

  • Formal catechetical preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion usually takes place during the second-grade year at the parish.
  • Sacramental Preparation is in addition to participation in a formal, systematic religious education program, either at the parish or through attendance at a Catholic school.
  • Consistent Mass attendance and religious education prior to the Sacramental year is highly recommended so that your child is building a foundation in the faith that can be built upon during their sacramental formation.


Prior to beginning preparation for sacraments in second grade, there are elements of readiness that should be discerned by the parents. They are:

  • Has the child been baptized and reached the age of reason (about seven years)?
  • Is the child interested in receiving Holy Communion?
  • Does the child have a sense of belonging to the Catholic community?
  • Does the child participate in the Sunday Mass according to his or her ability?
  • Does the child pray at home?
  • Does the child relate to Jesus as one who loves and cares for him or her?
  • Does the child understand that he or she is to care for others?
  • Has the child prepared for and had an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Penance?


The preparation process at Sacred Heart for First Holy Communion is a home-based program.

  • Parents are asked to attend 1 parent sessions and then, using provided resources, work with their child to prepare.
  • Parents and Children are asked to attend a 3-hour retreat at the end of the preparation process.


    The Diocesan Instruction for Sacrament of First Holy Communion