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It’s First Friday

Food & Fun     Get Your First Friday on Food. Fun.       6:00 p.m   friday OCT 6th       Bring the Family Dinner Screening Prayerful Discussion         Sacred Heart Catholic...

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Free and Open to the Public. Come be spiritually uplifted by this beatiful piece of music, sung in remembrance of those who have gone before us. On All saint's day, Sunday November 1st at 4pm. If you would like to have the name of a loved one included in the printed...

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Men’s Group Meetings

Mark your calendars for Saturday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 a.m., when our new Men's Group will begin holding its weekly meetings. Watch for emails and future bulletin notes for more details on how you can get involved.

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Children’s Liturgy & Nursery

Children's Liturgy of the Word and the Nursery return this weekend at 11 a.m. Sunday Mass. All children are welcome. No registration is required. If you are interested in Volunteering with these ministries, contact Leanne Besachio at

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Weekly Theological Presentation

Join Fr. Kauffmann every Wednesday for daily Mass and a theological presentation and discussion afterward. Mass begins at 5:30 pm and the presentation begins immediately afterward at 6 p.m. Visit Fr. Kauffmann's blog at

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Parish Registration Session

To register as a member of Sacred Heart, we ask that you attend a registration session in order to get to know the parish and our ministries. The next session is Sunday, Aug. 23 at 12:15pm. Sign up by contacting Pat Walsh at If you cannot make it to...

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