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Our Lady Of Guadalupe
You don't want to miss this. Feast of Our lady Of Guadalupe Please Rsvp with Chrissy in the office 757-625-6763 Or Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA...
All News
Help Wanted
NEST NEST is all new! Help Wanted The City of Norfolk has set up a temporary shelter, called the CENTER, at the old Greyhound bus station (Brambleton Ave. between Monticello and Granby) for people experiencing homelessness. 75 people each day are able to...
Covid-19 August Update
Covid-19 August Update COVID-19 August 11, 2021 Update Based on the latest CDC and Virginia Department of Health guidance, the diocese now recommends that all parishioners and visitors wear masks while in the public spaces of church facilities that are located in...
Our next Wine and Cheese/ Coffee and Donut Gatherings – Sept. 4-5
You don't want to miss this next Meet and Greet Sept 4th and 5th Our next Wine and Cheese Gathering Saturday September 4th Many came to meet and greet their fellow Parishioners over some wine and cheese and refreshments last weekend after the 5:30 pm Mass. The...
Youth Ministry News
August 2021 Religious Education Catechists and Assistants and Children's Liturgy of the Word leaders NEEDED! Contact Amy Woods to volunteer Religious Education for all students (all grades) begins on September 12 Please register your student NOW Click here for the...
Monthly Meet and Greet
You don't want to miss this. Monthly Meet and Greet Wine and Cheese - Saturday Come meet and greet your fellow Parishioners over some wine and cheese and refreshments on August 7th after the 5:30 pm Mass. The social is intended to allow fellowship with...
Summer Sizzler Series 2021
Justice in Our Time SUMMER SIZZLER SERIES August 2021 “JUSTICE in Our Time” Wednesdays 7pm - 8:30pm Dessert will be served. August 4 - Restorative Justice Presentation by Deirdre Love Executive Director at Teens with a Purpose ...
Monthly Meet and Greet
You don't want to miss this. Monthly Meet and Greet Wine and Cheese - Saturday Come meet and greet your fellow Parishioners over some wine and cheese and refreshments on August 7th after the 5:30 pm Mass. The social is intended to allow fellowship with...
Summer Sizzler Series 2021
Justice in Our Time SUMMER SIZZLER SERIES August 2021 “JUSTICE in Our Time” Wednesdays 7pm - 8:30pm Dessert will be served. August 4 - Restorative Justice Presentation by Deirdre Love Executive Director at Teens with a Purpose ...
Volunteer Training
Food Handler's Cards City of Norfolk Department of Public Health requires all personnel working with handling food be certified. This includes all volunteers who handle food in the Sacred Heart Kitchen for any event. Food Handles cards can...
Sacred Heart Church, Norfolk Virginia - Bookkeeper position Job Description: The Bookkeeper posts transactions, maintains payroll and financial records necessary for proper accounting according to generally acceptable accounting principles and best practices for a...
Vacation Bible School 2021
Last Chance! LAST CHANCE to sign up for Vacation Bible School 2021 Monday, July 26th – Thursday, July 29th 9:00am - 12:00pm Cost: $20 child For children ages 4 years old through Rising 5th Grade Registration forms are available in the Commons or...
Fr. Paul’s 21st Anniversary of Ordination
Come Join Us!! Fr. Paul's 21st Anniversary of Ordination! Fr. Paul Muyimbwa marked his 21st anniversary of his ordination into the priesthood on Thursday July 15th. On Saturday July 17, we will be hosting an anniversary reception after the 5:30 Mass with...
Long Time Parishioner, Eileen Powell, passed away this week. The Mass will be at Sacred Heart Tuesday, July 20 at 10am Eternal rest grant unto thee... Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA...
Help Wanted
NEST NEST is all new! Help Wanted The City of Norfolk has set up a temporary shelter, called the CENTER, at the old Greyhound bus station (Brambleton Ave. between Monticello and Granby) for people experiencing homelessness. 75 people each day are able to...
Vacation Bible School 2021
You don't want to miss this! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2021 Lava, Lava Island We are off to the Islands for a Tropical Good Time! Monday, July 26th – Thursday, July 29th 9:00am - 12:00pm Cost: $20 child For children ages 4 years old through Rising...
It’s that time again:
Filled Backpacks for the Eastern Shore Backpacks for the Eastern Shore The teens at Sacred Heart are collecting new or gently used Backpacks filled with the following supplies: Folders Composition Notebook Lined Paper Pencils Markers Pencil Sharpener Crayons...
Fr. Paul’s 21st Ordination Anniversary!
Fr. Paul Muyimbwa is marking the 21st anniversary of his ordination into the priesthood on July 15th. On Saturday July 17, we will be hosting anniversary receptions after the 5:30 Mass with wine, cheese, and cake. On Sunday July 18th, at the 8:00 and 11:00 am Mass,...
It’s that time again:
Filled Backpacks for the Eastern Shore Backpacks for the Eastern Shore The teens at Sacred Heart are collecting new or gently used Backpacks filled with the following supplies: Folders Composition Notebook Lined Paper Pencils Markers Pencil Sharpener Crayons...
You don't want to miss this. LIFTING OF THE GENERAL DISPENSATION FROM THE OBLIGATION TO ATTEND MASS EFFECTIVE JUNE 26TH Because of the declining number of COVID-19 cases and the increased availability of the vaccine, the Bishop has decided to lift the General...
Parish Feast Day 2021
Mass and Dinner Click here to Signup online Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA...