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Holy Week Schedule
You don't want to miss this. Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507
Holy Week 2022
Disregard Previious email-Sorry! Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507
Stations of the Cross Good Friday at 6:00 pm
Stations of the Cross Good Friday at 6:00 pm You are invited for Stations of the Cross The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on Earth as a man. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of His...
Holy Week 2022
Stations of the Cross-Good Friday Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507
Special Second Collection for Ukraine
THIS WEEKEND - April 9th & 10th! Palm Sunday 2nd Collection Many are asking how we can support the Church's response to the war in Ukraine. Many innocent lives have been lost, over three million refugees have left Ukraine, and millions more have...
Holy Week 2022
Holy Week Schedule Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507
Chrism Mass
Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507
Special Second Collection for Ukraine
THIS WEEKEND - April 9th & 10th! Palm Sunday 2nd Collection To aid the people of Ukraine, a special second collection will be taken this weekend, April 9th & 10th. Please remember to add Ukraine Collection on the memo line. ...
Lenten Mission Discussion
LET'S GATHER to DISCUSS Join us on Tuesday, April 5 at 6pm at Sacred Heart to discuss the videos from the Lenten Mission "Into His Likeness" RSVP to Amy Woods at or 757-524-4209 Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave.,...
The Great Easter Vigil Reception
Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507
Holy Week 2022
Holy Week Schedule Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507
Lenten Mission Discussion
LET'S GATHER to DISCUSS Join us on Tuesday, April 5 at 6pm to discuss the videos from the Lenten Mission "Into His Likeness" RSVP to Amy Woods at or 757-524-4209 Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA...
Funeral Mass
for Gar Housler Gar Housler It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of a friend and long-time parishioner Gar Housler We will remember and honor Gar's life with A Mass on Tuesday, April 5 at 11am with a luncheon to follow If you are able please bring...
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Are you asleep? Today Jesus is called to the grave of a dear friend who had recently died. Martha cries out that if Jesus were closer, her brother Lazarus would not have died. Remember from the First Sunday in Lent that death and sin are connected and that life is...
Penance Service Today!
*DATE CORRECTION* Join Us!!!! Penance Service!! When: March 31st Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Where: Christ the King Church 1803 Columbia Ave, Norfolk, VA 23509 Phone: (757) 622-1120 Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA...
Penance Service Today!
At Christ the King Join Us!!!! Penance Service!! When: May 31st Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Where: Christ the King Church 1803 Columbia Ave, Norfolk, VA 23509 Phone: (757) 622-1120 Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA...
Altar Server Training Announcement
Altar Servers are asked to attend one of two Holy Week training sessions being held after the 11:00am Mass on the 3rd or the 10th of April. Any child, or parent of a child who would like more information about the Altar Server ministry are welcome to attend or...
Penance Service Tomorrow!!
At Christ the King Join Us!!!! Penance Service!! When: May 31st Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Where: Christ the King Church 1803 Columbia Ave, Norfolk, VA 23509 Phone: (757) 622-1120 Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA...
Lenten Mission
Sacred Heart Lenten Mission You still have 1 week to check out the Sacred Heart Lenten Mission "Into His Likeness" by Dr. Edward Sri. This is a series of 5 videos that are between 28 and 32 minutes long. Write down a few thoughts and we will gather the first week of...
Opportunities to join Pope Francis during the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Three Opportunities to join Pope Francis Three Opportunities to join Pope Francis during the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 1. Wth our Holy Father via YouTube channel (click the yellow button below) 2 . With Bishop Knestout via...