We will NOT be distributing candles at the Vigil Mass, we encourage you to bring a candle.
Please feel free to download the iBreviary app, bring your own missal or download the worship aid on the website or via the QR code in the commons to follow along and participate in the passion readings on Palm Sunday and Good Friday.
Please sign up in advance for all Easter season Masses that you plan to attend, as they are expected to be at full capacity. Due to Diocesan COVID-19 protocols, attendance at these typically-crowded Masses will be limited to approximately 40% of normal capacity. If you plan to attend any of these Masses, please go to the parish website at www.sacredheartnorfolk.org and click on the Mass sign-up link to enter your seat reservation(s). You may also access the sign-up site directly at the following link to enter your reservation(s): https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/617006006620862039/false#/invitation.
Reserved seats will be assigned on a first come / first served basis. Reservations will be held until ten minutes before the scheduled Mass start time, at which point they may be given to others waiting without reservations. Please arrive 15—30 minutes before Mass starts to allow sufficient time for socially-distanced seating by the Ushers.