N.E.S.T. is coming!
Wednesday January 27 –
Wednesday February 3
N.E.S.T. will look a little different this year,
but it will still take about 200 people
to make the week run successfully,
donating their time for morning, evening or overnight shifts, or donating food, socks, toiletries and other items to give to our guests. 
Please consider giving of your time and talent to this most worthwhile effort. 
We are DESPERATELY in need of people to volunteer to stay overnight and work early mornings.
The overnight crew will stay in the “cry room” which has a glass wall looking into the space where our guests are staying, but it does keep you separated.
Morning crew will NOT have to handle blankets or clean, they need to handout breakfast and make coffee.
To sign up to donate food/supplies – Click Here 
To sign up to work one or more shifts – Click Here
Questions? Contact Pat Walsh at
Learn more about the N.E.S.T. program HERE

The guidelines for N.E.S.T. this year are that a maximum number of 45 guests will be sheltered each night.  The sanitation protection for both guests and volunteers is excellent, with the city providing PPE for volunteers, and the guests. Each guest has a mat and a blanket which they use all week long, in a designated space separated by plastic partitions not used by anyone else. Social distancing is required.