Thanksgiving Gift Baskets 2022

We are collecting non-perishable food to distribute to 5 area agencies. Grab a bag after Mass, fill it, and bring it back to Sacred Heart no later than Sun. Nov 20th. The shopping list and the agencies we serve are listed on 

We need help sorting and packing the food. Contact Karen Latham to volunteer, and please note “Thanksgiving Basket in the subject line:

· Monday, November 21st (3-5 PM): pack the grocery bags for distribution ·

 Tuesday, November 22nd (9-11 AM): load vehicles.

Thanksgiving Basket Shopping List 

November First Friday

Thank you for attending the First Friday in November. Here are some links for further information about our topic: Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.

Read More

Register For December First Friday

Register Here 

RSVP For Community Volunteer Dinner on Friday November 18th at 6:30pm

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

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Holiday Mass Times 2022

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