Holiday Mass Online Reservation Sign-ups
Due to Diocesan COVID-19 protocols, attendance at our typically-crowded Holiday Masses will be limited to approximately 30% of normal capacity. If you plan to attend in-person Masses over the Holidays, please go to the parish website at and click on the Mass sign-up link to enter your seat reservation(s). You may also access the sign-up site directly at the following link to enter your reservation(s):
Reserved seats will be assigned on a first come / first served basis. Reservations will be held until ten minutes before the scheduled Mass start time, at which point they may be given to others waiting at the door without reservations. It is not too early to sign up now! Those without seat reservations may not be able to attend in-person Mass if the reduced capacity for that Mass is reached. 
Christmas Eve Mass – Thursday, December 24 at 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM
Christmas Day Mass – Friday, December 25 at 10:00 AM
New Year’s Day Mass – Friday, January 1 at 10:00 AM
  • Wear a face covering at all times while in the church building and maintain social distancing with non-family members while in line or in church.
  • Check in with the Door Screener at the parking lot entrance to the commons. No other entrances will be open. You must have/wear a face covering and pass basic COVID-19 screening questions to enter the building.
  • Follow the ushers’ directions to assigned seating. Once seated, please do not change locations.
  • Please refrain from singing during the Mass.
  • During Communion, follow ushers’ direction into the Communion line to maintain social distancing. Wear your face covering while in the Communion line and while receiving the Eucharist in the hand. After receiving Eucharist in the hand, step to either side into a blue box marked on the floor, briefly remove the face covering to consume the Eucharist, replace the face covering and return directly to your assigned seat.
  • The ushers will conduct a controlled dismissal at the end of the Mass to maintain social distancing. Please wait for their direction before leaving church, and immediately depart the building – do not linger or socialize with other parishioners in the building following the Mass.
We appreciate your help with our parish’s efforts to comply with the COVID-19 restrictions and protocols, and look forward to seeing you at Mass if you can attend.