Meet & Greet February 4th after the 5:30pm Mass & Sunday after the 11am Mass will be hosted by

Richmond Diocese Legacy Giving.

You are invited to attend a free, information-only seminar, Get Your Affairs in Order: 4

things you family will thank you for, presented by Maggie F. Keenan, Ed.D. of the

Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond. The seminar is offered at

the Meet & Greet on Saturday, February 4, 2023 following Mass at 5:30 and on February

5, 2023 following the 11:00am Mass. Refreshments will be provided. This

seminar will offer information to couples and individuals on Wills, Trusts, Catholic

Advanced Medical Directives, and Estate and Legacy Planning. If you don’t have a Will

or you need to update yours, please join us. Attendees will receive free copies of the

Catholic Estate Planning Guide, Catholic Advanced Medical Directives, and the Catholic

Funeral Planning Guide. Please RSVP to the Parish Office at 757- 625-6763

 For more information on Legacy Giving please click here.


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Sacred Heart Catholic Church

520 Graydon Ave Norfolk , Virginia 23507 | 757-625-6763

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