The current situation has forced us to make it a virtual dinner, with no actual dinner to attend, but the need for the funds raised by this event is stronger than ever. The dinner theme for 2021 is “Supporting Our Dedicated Teachers at Saint Gabriel”, January 1st – 31st, 2021.
Many of you have supported the Haiti Cultural Dinner in the past by sponsoring the dinner, donating baskets for the silent auction, purchasing either a guest, a family, or a table ticket.
We ask you to please consider doing it again this year by choosing a level of sponsorship that is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
The proceeds from this fundraiser will enable Fr. Ady Mytial, pastor at our twin parish, to pay the salary of some of the teachers in the school. Last year, this event helped pay five teachers’ salaries thanks to generous donors like you.
A teacher at St. Gabriel is paid $100 per month and still struggles to feed his/her family. These individuals work diligently to fulfill the school’s mission and do their part in helping to build a brighter and sustainable future for the students and their community.
$25 virtual single ticket
$55 virtual family ticket
$160 virtual table of 8
$100 teacher salary: 1-month
$300 teacher salary: 1-quarter
$1,200 teacher salary: 1-year salary
Fr. Ady, will be so grateful for your help. Please consider making a donation before January 31, 2021. Make checks payable to Sacred Heart Church, with Haiti Dinner on the memo line or donate online.
Thank you for your generosity!