
An Ash Wednesday Prayer

“Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.”

You remind us today, oh Lord, of our origin and end.

In the beginning, You fashioned us in the Garden.

You dignified dust with the Breath of Life.

You made us in Your image and likeness.

You led Your people through the dust of the Sinai wilderness to the Promised Land.

You overcame temptation in the dry desert.

You healed the blind with dirt and clay.

Three times Your body stirred the dust

as you fell on the road to Calvary.

Hear the cry of Your people!

One day we will return to dust.

This Lenten season, stir our minds to contemplate You, our hearts to love You, and our bodies to serve You in our brothers and sisters.

May our prayer, fasting, and almsgiving

be Your breath alive in us.


Make 2022 your Best Lent Yet!

DAILY MASS will be celebrated during Lent on Tuesdays at 5:30pm, Wednesdays at 5:30pm and Fridays at Noon in the church.

Reconciliation is offered every Saturday during Lent from 4pm-5pm at Sacred Heart.

Evening Prayer and Stations of the Cross 

will be celebrated every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m.

starting March 4

Can’t attend in person?

Click here for a virtual Stations of the Cross

Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl

One way to participate is by cooking the recipes one day each week and donating the money you saved by not eating out to CRS Rice Bowl.

Click here for more information.

Sign up for the BEST LENT EVER

What is the BEST LENT EVER?

It’s a free email program from Dynamic Catholic that will guide you on an incredible 40-day journey to become the-best-version-of-yourself, making this a truly life-changing Lent.

Click here to sign up

Adult Confirmation

Are you an adult who was baptized a Catholic, received your First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, but was never Confirmed? If so contact Amy Woods. An adult Confirmation group is forming. This group will meet during Lent. Adults will then celebrate Confirmation during the Easter Season.  Contact Amy Woods at 625-6763 or to learn more and to sign up. 

The Augustine Institute presents

Return to the Lord

an online Bible Conference on

Saturday, March 5

This Lent, return home to the Father’s house. Register today and join us on March 5, the first Saturday of Lent, for this free virtual event hosted by Dr. Tim Gray and featuring trusted scholars from the Augustine Institute. These talks will help you delve into the riches of the Scriptures and more fruitfully embark upon your Lenten journey.

Click here to register to attend