An Ash Wednesday Prayer
“Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.”
You remind us today, oh Lord, of our origin and end.
In the beginning, You fashioned us in the Garden.
You dignified dust with the Breath of Life.
You made us in Your image and likeness.
You led Your people through the dust of the Sinai wilderness to the Promised Land.
You overcame temptation in the dry desert.
You healed the blind with dirt and clay.
Three times Your body stirred the dust
as you fell on the road to Calvary.
Hear the cry of Your people!
One day we will return to dust.
This Lenten season, stir our minds to contemplate You, our hearts to love You, and our bodies to serve You in our brothers and sisters.
May our prayer, fasting, and almsgiving
be Your breath alive in us.