Altar Servers are asked to attend one of two Holy Week training sessions being held after the 11:00am Mass on the 3rd or the 10th of April.  Any child, or parent of a child who would like more information about the Altar Server ministry are welcome to attend or contact Adam Bellin at 757-373-3210 or

Who can participate?

Children who have received their First Communion and have entered the 3rd grade are eligible to be Altar Servers.  Those who have received First Communion and have not reached the 3rd grade yet may participate in any training sessions offered.

Why become an Altar Server?

Being an Altar Server is a great way for children to be a full participant in the Mass.  It is also a wonderful alternative to sitting in a pew during their developmental years, when distractions or boredom creep in.

How often will a child serve?  

Altar Servers generally serve at 2-3 Masses per month.  During Christmas and Easter there are extra Masses, so the need to serve will be greater.

How does scheduling work? 

Sacred Heart uses a program called Ministry Scheduler Pro, which coordinates all the ministries.  The system allows you to block off dates when you’ll be out of town, and allows you to set preferred Mass times.  (Example:  Your family normally attends 5:30 Mass, so you can set your preferred Altar Server Mass for the 5:30, and continue to attend as a family.)

How are parents involved? 

Parents are asked to ensure their children are dressed properly (no sneakers, collared shirts, etc.) arrive 20 minutes prior to Mass, and attend training to ensure they are prepared to serve.  Parents are also encouraged to assist in training sessions and caring for the cassocks if they are able.

Contact:  Adam Bellin, 757.373.3210 or