Thank you for your generous response to the Advent tradition. We will have gifts for all the children whose names we have from the Eastern Shore. 
Those gifts MUST be returned by 3 PM
on Monday, December 14.
You can drop them by the church during the week or before/after any Mass this weekend.
(Office hours: Wednesday -Thursday 9am-3pm; Friday 9am-12noon)
There is still time to support the children of our twin parish of St. Gabriel in Haiti by contributing to a fund that will be used to purchase textbooks for the high school students. 
Suggested amounts are at
Donations can be mailed to the church, put in the collection basket, or done online. Indicate Haiti Giving Tree on the memo line. Donations will be collected until Sunday December 20.

For more information, or for help logging on to the signup sheets, contact Pat Walsh at 757-440-2901 or