Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers:
Represents the congregation by assisting the priest at liturgy. Open to 3rd graders to adults. Training provided and renewed as needed.
Contact: Adam Bellin at 757-373-3210 or
Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC):
Distribute Eucharist during liturgy. May also
be asked to take communion to the hospitalized and home-bound. Training provided.
Commitment: 2-4 Liturgies per month
Contact: 757-625-6763
Proclaim the Word of God during liturgy. Training provided.
Commitment: 2-3 liturgies per month
Contact: 757-625-6763
Ushers / Greeters:
Greet/assist community at worship. Pass out worship aids/bulletins, take up collection, provide direction at communion time, and attend to arising needs during liturgy.
Commitment: 1-2 liturgies per month
Gary and Francesca Smith –
Leads congregation singing at weekend liturgies and other times as needed. Must be a member of the choir.
Commitment: 1 weekend a month
Contact: 757-625-6763
Leads congregation singing at 11AM Sunday liturgy and all major
feasts. Repertory runs from Gregorian Chant to music written in the new
Commitment: Rehearsal Thursdays 7:30 to 9PM, Service Sunday 11AM
Contact: 757-625-6763
Contemporary Music Group:
Leads congregation singing at the Saturday evening liturgy twice a month. Members are singers and musicians (guitar, flute, piano, etc.)
Commitment: Weekly Rehearsals on Sunday at 4pm, Service on Saturdays twice a month
Contact Mary Rubino –
Behind The Scenes
Worship Committee:
Responsible for general evaluation of the Liturgies. Meets Quarterly or as needed before special seasons (Christmas and Lent\Triduum\Easter)
Fr. Paul 625-6763 Once Every Quarter
Prayer Writers:
Write scripts for the liturgy to be celebrated at Sacred Heart. It’s a weekly commitment.
If you want to be part of this ministry please conact the Parish office at
Altar Linens:
Pick up, launder and return linens after weekend liturgies.
Contact: 757-625-6763
Baptismal Garments:
Make infant, child and adults baptism garments.
Contact: Sr. Linhs
Art & Environment:
Design/create church decorations for liturgical seasons.
Eric Singer 623-7917 3 Hrs Seasonal
Maintains inventory of candles, wine, hosts, etc. Water plants, polish candlesticks, etc. Parish Office 757-625-6763 As Needed