All Soul’s Mass

All Soul's Mass Monday Nov. 2nd 5:30 pm Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Sacred Heart All Soul’s Day Mass: A Mass for all of...

First Eucharistic Congress

Save The Date Eucharistic Congress Eucharistic Congress The Diocese of Richmond will convene its first-ever Eucharistic Congress on Friday, November 6 through Saturday, November 7 as the culmination of its bicentennial jubilee. A Eucharistic Congress is a large-scale...

Safe Halloween Fun

Rain or Shine (We have the awning to keep us dry) Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507 Unsubscribe Update Profile |...

Sacred Heart Thanksgiving Baskets – 2020

Thanksgiving Baskets 2020 Sacred Heart is working to increase food stability at Thanksgiving. Donate: Suggested items (nothing perishable please) Canned meat, chicken or fish Chunky soups with meat Canned pork and beans Pasta sauce and dry pasta Boxed macaroni and...