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Why do you Need a will Download Document It’s a fact: people don’t mind scrolling to read an email, as long as it’s relevant and interesting. Make sure your message follows through on the promise in your subject line, and use several short paragraphs...

It’s First Friday

Food & Fun     Tonight!!!! Food. Fun.       6:00 p.m   friday OCT 6th       Bring the Family Dinner Screening Prayerful Discussion         Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 520...

It’s First Friday

Food & Fun     Get Your First Friday on Food. Fun.       6:00 p.m   friday OCT 6th       Bring the Family Dinner Screening Prayerful Discussion         Sacred Heart Catholic...

From the Desk Of Fr.Paul

Return to Holy communion Under Both Species     Bishop Knestout has advised that the provision of Communion under both species (the Body and Blood of Christ) can be reintroduced safely in all parishes. It may be worth a quick revisit of what the...