Wine Festival 2021

Last Chance LAST CHANCE to purchase tickets WINE FESTIVAL 2021 October 2 at 6:30pm TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE $25 a person  available after Mass    An Italian dinner and Great wine will be served!  There will be a Silent Auction.   Bring a friend,...

Wine Festival 2021

WINE FESTIVAL 2021 October 2 at 6:30pm TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE $25 a person  Tickets available after Mass    An Italian dinner and Great wine will be served!  There will be a Silent Auction.   Bring a friend, a neighbor or a co-worker and...

The latest news for you

You don't want to miss this. Catechetical Sunday  September 19th The word “catechesis” means “to echo.” Literally, we are to echo the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. This is not a suggestion; it is a command of our Lord. Some...