Lenten Mission

Sacred Heart Lenten Mission You still have 3 weeks to check out the Sacred Heart Lenten Mission “Into His Likenss” by Dr. Edward Sri. This is a series of 5 videos that are between 28 and 32 minutes long. Write down a few thoughts and we will gather the...

Third Sunday of Lent

Paul reminded the Corinthians, “We proclaim Christ crucified.” Christ’s weakness is stronger than any human strength. The power of the cross is greater than anything the world or evil has to combat it. The Lenten season is one of repentance,...

Second Sunday of Lent

Today we are following Jesus up on a high mountain with Peter, James, and John. There they see Jesus “transfigured,” his face like the sun and his clothes as white as light. Jesus is there conversing with Moses and Elijah. What are we to make of this image...

First Sunday of Lent

A covenant is a formal agreement between two parties. Assuming both parties enter into the covenant of their own free will, it is a bond that cannot be broken. As time goes on, that covenant will be tested and its validity questioned by skeptics, but it will remain if...

Sacred Heart Lenten Mission 2022

You are invited to experience the video series “Into His Likeness” by Dr. Edward Sri available online. Each video is about 28 minutes long and will lead you to a deeper exploration of how to be a Disciple of Jesus. To access “Into His Likeness” and many other Lenten...