On Friday, July 15th, 2022 I made 22 years of ordained ministry and service to you, as a Priest of Jesus Christ, and I am honored and humbled by your prayers and support since I came to Sacred Heart.
I would like to thank you, dear parishioners, who have helped shape me into the person, priest, and leader that I am today. And, while I have hopefully served you in some positive way as a priest, I am deeply aware that I am here because of you; each one of you who has been a model of faith to me. Yes, we really do influence each other by our words and actions. So, you are each part of who I am, and I am a part of you, and for that, I am eternally grateful!
My call to serve you as an ordained priest then allowed me to serve you in many ways (baptisms, confessions, First Communions, special confirmations, weddings, anniversaries, counseling, anointing, funerals, blessing homes and vehicles, all these sacramental or interaction moments have been a sacred privilege–to participate in your lives! The parish administration ministry that I carry out within the priesthood has been fulfilling and rewarding, at times challenging and tiring, especially during these COVID times, but always feel the love, support, and encouragement of God through You!
When you cared for me, allowed me to visit and share your meals, talked to me about things to get me through difficult moments, offered me a boat ride, where I could redirect my emotions to nature, or watched the Virginia Symphony concert, took me for a drink or simply affirmed one of my homilies after Mass; whatever you did for me, a little one, you did for the Lord. These simple encounters have given me hope to keep on serving and living as a priest.
So, continue to build the Kingdom of God at Sacred Heart Church by caring for and loving each other. Thank you for loving me, and may God continue to bless us and our families, and bring to completion the great work He has begun in each one of us!