
A covenant is a formal agreement between two parties. Assuming both parties enter into the covenant of their own free will, it is a bond that cannot be broken. As time goes on, that covenant will be tested and its validity questioned by skeptics, but it will remain if it is real.

God’s covenant with his people is real. It began with a promise made to Noah and was renewed in the person of Jesus Christ. It has been tested by man through sin and by evil through Jesus’ trials in the desert. But here in 2015, it still remains as strong as ever.

This Lent, take time to rediscover and reflect on this covenant God has with us. Reclaim your baptism and make it a motivating factor in how you live your life. Take the opportunity this Lenten season provides to increase your devotion and spirituality. You will be tested and you will suffer trials, for life is not always easy. But God has always upheld his part of the agreement. Now is the time to take our part in this covenant more seriously.

Click here for more on What is Lent?

Readings for the First Sunday of Lent

Deuteronomy 26:4-10

Romans 10:8-13

Luke 4:1-13

Click here for the weekly Homily by Bishop Barron

CRS Rice Bowl

During the 40 days of Lent, we’re invited to slow down and focus on our journey and how we can follow Christ’s will more faithfully. We do this through the three pillars of prayerfasting and almsgiving.

This year, with these pillars as our guide, CRS Rice Bowl will introduce us to our neighbors in Guatemala, Bangladesh and Rwanda. We’ll learn how the dreams of our sisters and brothers are inspiring them to overcome challenges that impact their daily life. To dream bigger. To help their families and communities succeed.

Visit www.crsricebowl.org for their stories and more

Sacred Heart Lenten Mission 2022

You are invited to experience the video series “Into His Likeness” by Dr. Edward Sri available online. Each video is about 28 minutes long and will lead you to a deeper exploration of how to be a Disciple of Jesus.

To access “Into His Likeness” and many other Lenten Resources for both young and old, follow these simple steps.

1. Go to formed.org/signup

2. Search for Sacred Heart by Zip Code/ Postal Code. Click on our parish. 

3. Register with your name and email address

4. Check that email account for a link to begin using FORMED

In early April, we will gather in person and online to discuss what we have experienced.

The Augustine Institute presents

Return to the Lord

an online Bible Conference on

Saturday, March 5

This Lent, return home to the Father’s house. Register today and join us on March 5, the first Saturday of Lent, for this free virtual event hosted by Dr. Tim Gray and featuring trusted scholars from the Augustine Institute. These talks will help you delve into the riches of the Scriptures and more fruitfully embark upon your Lenten journey.

Click here to register to attend